Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is a research-driven university of international standing, where excellent research and excellent education go hand in hand. We focus on a balanced approach towards education, research and valorization of knowledge in the areas of engineering science and technology. Situated in the heart of the high-tech Brainport region, TU/e makes an impact on scientific and societal issues by innovation, knowledge valorization, and collaborations with world-class industry.

- Energy related research:
TU/e works towards a sustainable world that produces enough energy for its consumption, unimpeded by scarce resources and without any impact on the climate. Our research will help
pave the way for this challenging transition.
The energy research at TU/e is organized through the EIRES institute, where 150 professors and 450 PhD students from the different TU/e departments work together. EIRES has a research agenda focused on modular scalable devices for energy storage, conversion, and transport – and the integration of such devices in the decentralized and dynamic energy system of the future.
The institute is organized along focus areas on:
- Energy Generation and Storage
- Greening the Process Industry
- Energy Transition in the Built Environment
- Systems Transition and Scenario’s
- Computational Energy Research
- Energy related center/program under this partner (examples):
Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES) - Eindhoven University of Technology
- Contact persons in NERA from this partner:
Scientific board member: Floor Alkemade
Working group member: Sha Lou